The Cancer Research Theme includes the following sub-groups:
- Cancer Genetics and Evolution
- Immunology and Inflammation
- Stem Cells and Developmental Biology
- Molecular Mechanisms and Signalling Pathways
- Diagnostic and Imaging Techniques
- Epidemiology and Risk Stratification
- Precision Medicine and Therapeutics
- Aging and Senescence
- Machine Learning and Computational Analysis
- Cellular Physiology and Metabolism
Principal Investigators in this Theme:
Name: Dr David Adams Topic: Experimental cancer genetics Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Sarah Aitken Topic: Genomic pathology; Cancer evolution; Image analysis Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Medical Imaging, Molecules and Cells Department: MRC Toxicology Unit Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Maria Alcolea Topic: Epithelial Cell Fate and Plasticity Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Antonis Antoniou Topic: Cancer genetic epidemiology, cancer risk modelling, genetic epidemiology of BRCA1, BRCA2 and other cancer susceptibility genes Themes: Cancer, Epidemiology and Public Health, Women's Health Department: Department of Public Health and Primary Care Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Tristan Barrett Topic: Prostate cancer Imaging Genito-urinary Radiology Themes: Cancer, Medical Imaging Department: Department of Radiology Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Sam Behjati Topic: Cancer genomics and single cell transcriptomics Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Mariann Bienz Topic: Molecular Mechanism of Wnt signalling and cancer Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Giulia Biffi Topic: Pancreatic Cancer Themes: Cancer Department: Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Jamie Blundell Topic: Evolutionary dynamics of cancer a disease of somatic evolution in our tissues. Themes: Cancer, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Michael Boemo Topic: Developing computational methods that show how dysregulation or faults in cell cycle mechanisms can result in cancer Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Sarah Bohndiek Topic: Optical molecular imaging for early cancer detection Themes: Cancer, Medical Imaging Department: Department of Physics / Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Louise Boyle Topic: Antigen presentation to cells of the immune system Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor John Bradley Topic: Regulation and function of death receptors in the microvasculature Themes: Cancer, Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Medicine Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor James Brenton Topic: Ovarian cancer prognostic markers predictive markers bioinformaticsexpression profiling clinical trial design using molecular end points Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Women's Health Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Guy Brown Topic: Microglia, neuroinflammation & neurodegeneration Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Biochemistry Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Carlos Caldas Topic: Breast cancer; genomics proteomics metabolomics and bioinformatics Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Women's Health Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Peter Campbell Topic: Cancer genetics and genomics Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Jason Carroll Topic: Nuclear receptor transcription Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Mike Chapman Topic: Myeloma and normal lymphoid biology Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Haematology (NHSBT) Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Prof Murray Clarke Topic: Novel mechanisms that induce vascular inflammation; particularly IL-1 family members and inflammasomes Themes: Cancer, Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Medicine (Section of CardioRespiratory Medicine) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Menna Clathworthy Topic: Tissue immunity in health and disease Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Medicine Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Francesco Colucci Topic: Immunology of reproduction, Infections, Cancer Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Infection and Immunity, Women's Health Department: Obstetrics and Gynaecology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Isidro Cortes-Ciriano Topic: Cancer Genomics Themes: Cancer, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: European Bioinformatics Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Mireia Crispin Topic: We use machine learning and computational data integration models to understand cancer on multiple scales, from medical imaging down to molecular profiles Themes: Cancer, Medical Imaging Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Ana Cvejic Topic: Developmental Haematopoiesis Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Pier Paolo D'Avino Topic: Regulation and mechanics of cell division and its de-regulation in cancer cells Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pathology (Cellular Molecular Pathology Division) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Maike de la Roche Topic: Hedgehog signalling in the immune system Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity Department: Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Marc de la Roche Topic: Oncogenic Wnt signaling in cancer Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Biochemistry Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Ming-Qing Du Topic: Lymphomagenesis; molecular pathology in diagnosis and prognosis Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Pathology (Molecular Histopathology Division) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Helena Earl Topic: Clinical and translational research breast and ovarian cancers sarcomas Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Douglas Easton Topic: Genetic epidemiology (especially cancer) and statistical genetics Themes: Cancer, Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Women's Health Department: Public Health and Primary Care Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr James Edgar Topic: Membrane trafficking; MHC Class II antigen presentation Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pathology (Division of Immunology) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Tim Eisen Topic: Drug development, renal cancer, screening for cancer Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Christine Farr Topic: Chromosome biology centromeres topoisomerase II Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Genetics Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr David Fernandez-Antoran Topic: Cell competition and radiation biology Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: The Gurdon Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald Topic: Own research programme focuses on new approaches for early detection of oesophageal and gastric cancer based on understanding how the cancer develops and evolves Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Oncology (MRC Cancer Unit) Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Oliver Florey Topic: Autophagy (self eating) macroendocytosis (digestion of extracellular material) and entosis (a recently discovered form of cell cannibalism) Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Babraham Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Alexander Frankell Topic: Monitoring cancer evolution using tumour DNA fragments in blood Themes: Cancer Department: Early Cancer institute Email: Website: NA Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Ferdia Gallagher Topic: Oncological Imaging Biomarkers Hyperpolarised 13C MRI Themes: Cancer, Medical Imaging Department: Department of Radiology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Jennifer Gallop Topic: Dynamics and regulation of filopodia Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Biochemistry and Gurdon Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Melissa Gammons Topic: Molecular Mechanisms of Wnt signalling in rare and common disease pathenogenesis Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Medical Genetics Email: Website: NA Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Mathew Garnett Topic: Translational Cancer Genomics Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Fiona Gilbert Topic: Breast and Oncology Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Themes: Cancer, Medical Imaging, Women's Health Department: Department of Radiology Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Richard Gilbertson Topic: Understanding the cellular and molecular origins of brain tumours with the aim of developing new cancer cures Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor David Glover Topic: Mitotic protein kinases centrosomes microtubule associated proteins Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Genetics Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Bertie Gottgens Topic: Blood development, blood stem cells, leukaemia Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Tony Green Topic: Haematopoietic stem cells/leukemia Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Tim Halim Topic: Cancer immunology - the role of innate lymphoid cells Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Greg Hannon Topic: Biological functions and mode of actions of non-coding RNAs in normal development and cancer with particular focus on technology development Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Phillip Hawkins Topic: Cellular signalling with a focus on the PI3K signalling pathway regulating cell growth Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Babraham Institute Email: Website: Sorry no PhD students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential summer students are welcome |
Name: Dr Brian Hendrich Topic: Transcriptional control of stem cell fate Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells, Women's Health Department: Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Daniel Hodson Topic: Elucidating the mechanisms of transformation from normal B lymphocyte to malignant B cell lymphoma Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Liz Hook Topic: Innovating Protein Technologies for Therapeutic and Vaccine Design Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Jon Houseley Topic: Mechanisms by which cells adapt to their environment Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Babraham Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Mark Howarth Topic: Innovating Protein Technologies for Therapeutic and Vaccine Design Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pharmacology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Kate Hughes Topic: The interactions between different cell types within the mammary gland during regression at the end of lactation Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Veterinary Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Brian Huntly Topic: Cancer biology (leukaemia and lymphoma), epigenetics Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Laura Itzhaki Topic: Tandem-repeat proteins: Folding, function, role in disease, and therapeutic intervention Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pharmacology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Stephen Jackson Topic: Maintenance of genome stability/DNA repair Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: CRUK Cambridge Institute Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Rajesh Jena Topic: Neuro-oncology / Radiotherapy / Data science and machine learning Themes: Cancer, Medical Imaging Department: Oncology Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Duncan Jodrell Topic: Clinical and translational research Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Randall Johnson Topic: The micro-physiology of tissues and how it affects growth development and disease in mammalian genetic systems Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Phil Jones Topic: Stem Cells and Cancer Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr. Siddhartha Kar Topic: cancer epidemiology, cancer genetic epidemiology, statistical genetics, clonal haematopoiesis Themes: Cancer, Women's Health, Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Oncology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Arthur Kaser Topic: Metabo-genetics of autoinflammation/autoimmunity (focus on Crohn's and Still's disease). Core metabolism of the cell. Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology Department: Department of Medicine & Cambridge Institute of Therapeutic Immunology and Infectious Disease Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Tony Kouzarides Topic: Transcriptional control by chromatin regulators Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pathology (Virology Division/Wellcome Trust Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Torsten Krude Topic: Control of human chromosome replication Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Zoology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Heike Laman Topic: Ubiquitin ligases, cancer, Parkinson's disease, proteostasis, mitochondria, cell cycle Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Joo-Hyeon Lee Topic: Stem cells and niches in tissue homeostasis, regeneration, and disease Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Wellcome - MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Catherine Lindon Topic: Control of human cell division by proteolysis Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pharmacology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Trevor Littlewood Topic: Oncogenic signalling in cancer Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Biochemistry Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Bidesh Mahata Topic: Steroid-producing immune cells in regulating cancer inflammation and immunity Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Stefan Marciniak Topic: The Marciniak lab studies cell biology and genetics of rare lung diseases. Projects in alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency focus on its cell biology. Mesothelioma projects involve (i) the development of cancer organoid models, (ii) characterising the disease using new single cell technologies, and (iii) using nanotechnology to deliver drugs to mesothelioma cell. Our familial pneumothorax projects crated the NHS Pneumothorax Gene Panel and now focus on AI-assisted diagnosis Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics , Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Medicine (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr John Marioni Topic: Developing computational tools to handle big data - using single cell genomics to study cell fate and early development Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Florian Markowetz Topic: Developing technologies for doctors to make better decisions faster. Machine learning and data science for chromosomal instability, computational pathology and network reconstruction Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Oncology / CRUK Cambridge Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Inigo Martincorena Topic: Somatic evolution Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Eric Miska Topic: Control of gene expression through non-coding RNA Themes: Cancer, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Genetics (Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Helen Mott Topic: Structure, dynamics and interactions of proteins involved in signal transduction Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Biochemistry Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Daniel Munoz-Espin Topic: Development of novel tools and nanodevices for cancer therapy and diagnosis. Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Elizabeth Murchison Topic: Transmissible cancers Themes: Cancer, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity , Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Veterinary Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Matthew Murray Topic: Investigating genomic and non-coding RNA abnormalties in cancer Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Jyoti Nangalia Topic: Clonal Evolution, Cancer and Ageing Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute and Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor James Nathan Topic: Cellular mechanisms of oxygen and nutrient sensing Themes: Cancer, Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Kelly Nguyen Topic: Molecular mechanism of telomere maintenance and the roles of telomeres in human diseases Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Klaus Okkenhaug Topic: PI3K in immunity infection and cancer Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Manav Pathania Topic: Brain tumours Themes: Cancer, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Virginia Pedicord Topic: Microbiota effects on host physiology Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour |
Name: Prof. Luca Pellegrini Topic: Molecular mechanisms of DNA replication and recombination Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Evangelia Petsalaki Topic: Cell signalling, systems biology, computational biology Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: European Bioinformatics Institute Email: Website: Sorry no PhD students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential summer students are welcome |
Name: Professor Anna Philpott Topic: developmental biology, stem cell biology, cancer Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Emma Rawlins Topic: Stem and progenitor cells in the mammalian lung Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Ingo Ringshausen Topic: B cell tumours, microenvironment Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Hugh Robinson Topic: Electrophysiology of Cancer Cells, Cancer Neuroscience Themes: Cancer, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Molecules and Cells Department: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Nitzan Rosenfeld Topic: Development of novel diagnostic tools for cancer through the application of molecular and genomic technologies Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor David Rowitch Topic: Glial Cells and Response to Injury Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Paediatrics Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Rahul Roychoudhuri Topic: Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy,Molecules and Cells Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Department: Department of Paediatrics Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Oscar Rueda Topic: Development of statistical models for the analysis of large genomic and transcriptomic datasets. Themes: Cancer Department: MRC Biostatistics Unit Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Kourosh Saeb-Parsy Topic: Transplantation, Regenerative Medicine and Cancer Immunotherapy Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Surgery Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Julian Sale Topic: Vertebrate mutagenesis Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Benedicte Sanson Topic: We use genetics live confocal imaging computational analysis of cell behaviours and mathematical modeling to understand the morphogenesis of epithelia in developing Drosophila embryos Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr David Sargan Topic: Comparative and disease genetics. Mapping Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS) associated genes, cancer predisposition genes; inherited eye diseases and other inherited diseases in dogs and other companion animals, partially breed specific canine cancers. Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Department of Veterinary Medicine Email: Website: Sorry no PhD students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Marisa Segal Topic: Cell cycle control of mitotic spindle morphogenesis in budding yeast Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Genetics Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Benjamin Simons Topic: Developmental biology of epithelial tissues and cancer Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Gurdon Institute, Stem Institute and the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Elizabeth Soilleux Topic: Interesting projects available in immunity (TCR/BCR repertoire) cancer biology (esp lymphoma) histopathological imaging bioinformatics AI and clinical data handling. Active collaborations with the vet school maths engineering and industry Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Medical Imaging, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Mike Stratton Topic: Cancer genetics and genomics Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr John Suckling Topic: Brain imaging methods and analysisPsychiatry, Brain Imaging, Bioinformatics, Cognitive recovery, Neuroscience Themes: Cancer, Medical Imaging, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Psychiatry Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Richard Timms Topic: Genetic interrogation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Medicine (CITIID) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Marc Tischkowitz Topic: Hereditary cancer predisposition, translational genomics Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Medical Genetics Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Suzanne Turner Topic: Paediatric cancer Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Pathology (Division of Cellular and Molecular pathology) Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Konstantinos Tzelepis Topic: RNA modifications in stem cell homeostasis Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor George Vassiliou Topic: Leukamia, pre-leukaemia, clonal haematopoiesis, clonal evolution Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Alan Warren Topic: Mechanisms of ribosome assembly Themes: Cancer, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Haematology (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Caroline Watson Topic: Understanding the progression of pre-leukaemic conditions in order to enable early detection and prevention of blood cancer Themes: Cancer Department: Early Cancer Institute, Department of Oncology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Douglas Winton Topic: Intestinal biology colon cancer stem cell biology Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |