The Cancer Research Theme includes the following sub-groups:
- Cancer Genetics and Evolution
- Immunology and Inflammation
- Stem Cells and Developmental Biology
- Molecular Mechanisms and Signalling Pathways
- Diagnostic and Imaging Techniques
- Epidemiology and Risk Stratification
- Precision Medicine and Therapeutics
- Aging and Senescence
- Machine Learning and Computational Analysis
- Cellular Physiology and Metabolism
Principal Investigators in this Theme:
Name: Dr David Adams Topic: Experimental cancer genetics Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Franklin Aigbirhio Topic: Novel radiopharmaceuticals and radiochemical methods for molecular imaging Themes: Cancer, Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Medical Imaging, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Clinical Neurosciences Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Sarah Aitken Topic: Genomic pathology; Cancer evolution; Image analysis Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Medical Imaging, Molecules and Cells Department: MRC Toxicology Unit Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Maria P. Alcolea Topic: Epithelial Cell Fate and Plasticity Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Luigi Aloj Topic: Clinical and preclinical radionuclide imaging and therapy in oncology Themes: Cancer, Medical Imaging Department: Department of Radiology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Antonis Antoniou Topic: Cancer genetic epidemiology, cancer risk modelling, genetic epidemiology of BRCA1, BRCA2 and other cancer susceptibility genes Themes: Department: Public Health and Primary Care Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Margaret Ashcroft Topic: Biosciences (Molecular Cell Biology) Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Medicine Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Margaret Ashcroft Topic: Molecular Cell Biology, Cell Signalling, Oxygen-Sensing, Hypoxia Biology, Metabolism Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Medicine Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Tristan Barrett Topic: Prostate cancer Imaging Genito-urinary Radiology Themes: Cancer, Medical Imaging Department: Department of Radiology Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Sam Behjati Topic: Cancer genomics and single cell transcriptomics Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Mariann Bienz Topic: Protein quality control in neurodegenerative diseases Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Giulia Biffi Topic: Pancreatic Cancer Themes: Cancer Department: Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Jamie Blundell Topic: Evolutionary dynamics of cancer a disease of somatic evolution in our tissues. Themes: Cancer, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Michael Boemo Topic: Developing computational methods that show how dysregulation or faults in cell cycle mechanisms can result in cancer Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Sarah Bohndiek Topic: Optical molecular imaging for early cancer detection Themes: Cancer, Medical Imaging Department: Department of Physics / Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Louise Boyle Topic: Antigen presentation to cells of the immune system Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Prof John Bradley Topic: Regulation and function of death receptors in the microvasculature Themes: Cancer, Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Molecules and Cells, Clinical Science Department: Medicine Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor James Brenton Topic: Ovarian cancer prognostic markers predictive markers bioinformaticsexpression profiling clinical trial design using molecular end points Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Women's Health, Clinical Science Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Carlos Caldas Topic: Breast cancer; genomics proteomics metabolomics and bioinformatics Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Women's Health Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Peter Campbell Topic: Cancer genetics and genomics Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Jason Carroll Topic: Nuclear receptor transcription Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Mike Chapman Topic: Myeloma and normal lymphoid biology Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Haematology (NHSBT) Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Prof Murray Clarke Topic: Novel mechanisms that induce vascular inflammation; particularly IL-1 family members and inflammasomes Themes: Cancer, Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Medicine (Section of CardioRespiratory Medicine) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Menna Clathworthy Topic: Tissue immunity in health and disease Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Medicine Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Francesco Colucci Topic: Immunology of reproduction, Infections, Cancer Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Infection and Immunity, Women's Health, Clinical Science Department: Obstetrics and Gynaecology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Isidro Cortes-Ciriano Topic: Cancer Genomics Themes: Cancer, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: European Bioinformatics Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Mireia Crispin Topic: We use machine learning and computational data integration models to understand cancer on multiple scales, from medical imaging down to molecular profiles Themes: Cancer, Medical Imaging Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Ana Cvejic Topic: Developmental Haematopoiesis Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Pier Paolo D'Avino Topic: Regulation and mechanics of cell division and its de-regulation in cancer cells Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pathology (Cellular Molecular Pathology Division) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Maike de la Roche Topic: Hedgehog signalling in the immune system Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity Department: Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Marc de la Roche Topic: Oncogenic Wnt signaling in cancer Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Biochemistry Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Ming-Qing Du Topic: Lymphomagenesis; molecular pathology in diagnosis and prognosis Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Pathology (Molecular Histopathology Division) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Douglas Easton Topic: Genetic epidemiology (especially cancer) and statistical genetics Themes: Cancer, Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Women's Health Department: Public Health and Primary Care Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr James Edgar Topic: Membrane trafficking; MHC Class II antigen presentation Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pathology (Division of Immunology) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Tim Eisen Topic: Drug development, renal cancer, screening for cancer Themes: Cancer Department: Oncology Email: TGQE2@CAM.AC.UK Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Christine Farr Topic: Chromosome biology centromeres topoisomerase II Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Genetics Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr David Fernandez-Antoran Topic: Cell competition and radiation biology Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: The Gurdon Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald Topic: Own research programme focuses on new approaches for early detection of oesophageal and gastric cancer based on understanding how the cancer develops and evolves Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Oncology, Early Cancer Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Oliver Florey Topic: Autophagy (self eating) macroendocytosis (digestion of extracellular material) and entosis (a recently discovered form of cell cannibalism) Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Babraham Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Alexander Frankell Topic: Somatic evolution and circulating tumour DNA Themes: Cancer Department: Early Cancer institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Ferdia Gallagher Topic: Novel imaging methods to characterise tissue metabolism Themes: Cancer, Medical Imaging Department: Department of Radiology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Jennifer Gallop Topic: Dynamics and regulation of filopodia Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Biochemistry and Gurdon Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Melissa Gammons Topic: Molecular Mechanisms of Wnt signalling in rare and common disease pathenogenesis Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Medical Genetics Email: Website: NA Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Mathew Garnett Topic: Translational Cancer Genomics Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Fiona Gilbert Topic: Breast and Oncology Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Themes: Cancer, Medical Imaging, Women's Health, Clinical Science Department: Department of Radiology Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Richard Gilbertson Topic: Understanding the cellular and molecular origins of cancer with a particular focus on paediatric brain tumours with the aim of developing new cancer cures Themes: Cancer Department: Oncology and CRUK Cambridge Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor David Glover Topic: Mitotic protein kinases centrosomes microtubule associated proteins Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Genetics Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Bertie Gottgens Topic: Blood development, blood stem cells, leukaemia Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Tony Green Topic: Haematopoietic stem cells/leukemia Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Tim Halim Topic: Cancer immunology - the role of innate lymphoid cells Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Greg Hannon Topic: Biological functions and mode of actions of non-coding RNAs in normal development and cancer with particular focus on technology development Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Brian Hendrich Topic: Transcriptional control of stem cell fate Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells, Women's Health Department: Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Christoph Hess Topic: Immunometabolism Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Matthew Hoare Topic: Chronic liver disease and cancer development Themes: Cancer, Metabolic Medicine and Endrocrinology Department: Early Cancer Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Daniel Hodson Topic: Elucidating the mechanisms of transformation from normal B lymphocyte to malignant B cell lymphoma Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Liz Hook Topic: Innovating Protein Technologies for Therapeutic and Vaccine Design Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Jon Houseley Topic: Mechanisms by which cells adapt to their environment Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Babraham Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Mark Howarth Topic: Innovating Protein Technologies for Therapeutic and Vaccine Design Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pharmacology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Kate Hughes Topic: The interactions between different cell types within the mammary gland during regression at the end of lactation Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Veterinary Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Brian Huntly Topic: Cancer biology (leukaemia and lymphoma), epigenetics Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Laura Itzhaki Topic: Tandem-repeat proteins: Folding, function, role in disease, and therapeutic intervention Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pharmacology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Stephen Jackson Topic: Maintenance of genome stability/DNA repair Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: CRUK Cambridge Institute Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Rajesh Jena Topic: Neuro-oncology / Radiotherapy / Data science and machine learning Themes: Cancer, Medical Imaging Department: Oncology Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Duncan Jodrell Topic: Clinical and translational research Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Randall Johnson Topic: The micro-physiology of tissues and how it affects growth development and disease in mammalian genetic systems Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Philip Jones Topic: Epithelial pre cancer and somatic mutation Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr. Siddhartha Kar Topic: cancer epidemiology, cancer genetic epidemiology, statistical genetics, clonal haematopoiesis Themes: Cancer, Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Women's Health Department: Oncology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Arthur Kaser Topic: Metabo-genetics of autoinflammation/autoimmunity (focus on Crohn's and Still's disease). Core metabolism of the cell. Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Clinical Science Department: Department of Medicine & Cambridge Institute of Therapeutic Immunology and Infectious Disease Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Tony Kouzarides Topic: Transcriptional control by chromatin regulators Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pathology (Virology Division/Wellcome Trust Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Torsten Krude Topic: Control of human chromosome replication Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Zoology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Heike Laman Topic: Ubiquitin ligases, cancer, Parkinson's disease, proteostasis, mitochondria, cell cycle Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Elisa Laurenti Topic: Human blood stem cells and haematopoiesis Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Haematology Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Joo-Hyeon Lee Topic: Stem cells and niches in tissue homeostasis, regeneration, and disease Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells, Clinical Science Department: Wellcome - MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Catherine Lindon Topic: Control of human cell division by proteolysis Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pharmacology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Trevor Littlewood Topic: Oncogenic signalling in cancer Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Biochemistry Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Bidesh Mahata Topic: Steroid-producing immune cells in regulating cancer inflammation and immunity Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Stefan Marciniak Topic: The role of cellular stress in rare lung diseases Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Medicine (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr John Marioni Topic: Developing computational tools to handle big data - using single cell genomics to study cell fate and early development Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Florian Markowetz Topic: Developing technologies for doctors to make better decisions faster. Machine learning and data science for chromosomal instability, computational pathology and network reconstruction Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Oncology / CRUK Cambridge Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Inigo Martincorena Topic: Somatic evolution Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Frank McCaughan Topic: Lung cancer; squamous lung cancer; early detection, SOX2 Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Medicine - Heart and Lung Research Institute Email: Website: Not currently available due to recovery from university cyber attack Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Eric Miska Topic: Control of gene expression through non-coding RNA Themes: Cancer, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Genetics (Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Helen Mott Topic: Structure, dynamics and interactions of proteins involved in signal transduction Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Biochemistry Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Daniel Munoz-Espin Topic: Development of novel tools and nanodevices for cancer therapy and diagnosis. Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Elizabeth Murchison Topic: Transmissible cancers Themes: Cancer, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Veterinary Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Matthew Murray Topic: Investigating genomic and non-coding RNA abnormalties in cancer Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Jyoti Nangalia Topic: Clonal Evolution, Cancer and Ageing Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute and Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor James Nathan Topic: Cellular mechanisms of oxygen and nutrient sensing Themes: Cancer, Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Kelly Nguyen Topic: Molecular mechanism of telomere maintenance and the roles of telomeres in human diseases Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Klaus Okkenhaug Topic: PI3K in immunity infection and cancer Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Manav Pathania Topic: Brain tumours Themes: Cancer, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Molecules and Cells, Clinical Science Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Virginia Pedicord Topic: Microbiota effects on host physiology Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Prof. Luca Pellegrini Topic: Molecular mechanisms of DNA replication and recombination Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Biochemistry Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Evangelia Petsalaki Topic: Cell signalling, network analysis, systems biology, computational biology Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: European Bioinformatics Institute Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Anna Philpott Topic: developmental biology, stem cell biology, cancer Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Emma Rawlins Topic: Stem and progenitor cells in the mammalian lung Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: PDN/Gurdon Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Ingo Ringshausen Topic: B cell tumours, microenvironment Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr. Hugh Robinson Topic: Electrophysiology of Cancer Cells, Cancer Neuroscience Themes: Cancer, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Molecules and Cells Department: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Nitzan Rosenfeld Topic: Development of novel diagnostic tools for cancer through the application of molecular and genomic technologies Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor David Rowitch Topic: Glial Cells and Response to Injury Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Clinical Science Department: Department of Paediatrics Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Prof Rahul Roychoudhuri Topic: Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Oscar Rueda Topic: Development of statistical models for the analysis of large genomic and transcriptomic datasets. Themes: Cancer Department: MRC Biostatistics Unit Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Kourosh Saeb-Parsy Topic: Transplantation, Regenerative Medicine and Cancer Immunotherapy Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Surgery Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Julian Sale Topic: Vertebrate mutagenesis Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Benedicte Sanson Topic: We use genetics live confocal imaging computational analysis of cell behaviours and mathematical modeling to understand the morphogenesis of epithelia in developing Drosophila embryos Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr David Sargan Topic: Comparative and disease genetics. Mapping Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS) associated genes, cancer predisposition genes; inherited eye diseases and other inherited diseases in dogs and other companion animals, partially breed specific canine cancers Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Department of Veterinary Medicine Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Marisa Segal Topic: Cell cycle control of mitotic spindle morphogenesis in budding yeast Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Genetics Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Benjamin Simons Topic: Developmental biology of epithelial tissues and cancer Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Gurdon Institute, Stem Institute and the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Elizabeth Soilleux Topic: Interesting projects available in immunity (TCR/BCR repertoire) cancer biology (esp lymphoma) histopathological imaging bioinformatics AI and clinical data handling. Active collaborations with the vet school maths engineering and industry Themes: Cancer, Infection and Immunity, Medical Imaging, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Mike Stratton Topic: Cancer genetics and genomics Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr John Suckling Topic: Brain imaging methods and analysisPsychiatry, Brain Imaging, Bioinformatics, Cognitive recovery, Neuroscience Themes: Cancer, Medical Imaging, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Psychiatry Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Richard Timms Topic: Genetic interrogation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Medicine (CITIID) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Marc Tischkowitz Topic: Hereditary cancer predisposition, translational genomics Themes: Cancer Department: Department of Medical Genetics Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Suzanne Turner Topic: Paediatric cancer Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Pathology Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Konstantinos Tzelepis Topic: RNA modifications in stem cell homeostasis Themes: Department: Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor George Vassiliou Topic: Leukamia, pre-leukaemia, clonal haematopoiesis, clonal evolution Themes: Cancer, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Alan Warren Topic: Mechanisms of ribosome assembly Themes: Cancer, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Haematology (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Caroline Watson Topic: Understanding the progression of pre-leukaemic conditions in order to enable early detection and prevention of blood cancer Themes: Cancer Department: Early Cancer Institute, Department of Oncology Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Timothy Weil Topic: Regulation of mRNA, oocyte-to-embryo transition, biomolecular condensates Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells, Women's Health Department: Department of Zoology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Anne Willis Topic: Post-transcriptional control of gene expression Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: MRC Toxicology Unit Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Douglas Winton Topic: Intestinal biology colon cancer stem cell biology Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Evgeny Zatulovskiy Topic: Cell size regulation and cell fate decisions in animal cells Themes: Cancer, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Biochemistry Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |