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Postgraduate School of Life Sciences


The Postgraduate School of Life Sciences

Protein, DNA, RNA, chromosome structure; drug discovery, enzyme evolution; bioengineering; synthetic biology

The Postgraduate School of Life Sciences (PSLS) was set up in 2000 to look after the education and career needs of postgraduate students in the Life Sciences here at Cambridge. 

The PSLS combines the School of Biological Sciences and the School of Clinical Medicine and our students and Faculty collaborate closely together to produce ground breaking research.

Find out more about the research happening in the Postgraduate School of Life Sciences.

Our Students

Life Sciences students at work in the Lab

Around 2,000 of the University's total postgraduate student population are registered across the Departments, University Partner Institutions and Institutes that make up the Postgraduate School of Life Sciences.

The majority of our students are here working towards a PhD but we also have students undertaking clinical training, pursuing Master's Degrees and participating in four-year funded programmes under the remit of Research Councils and major Charitable Trusts. 

Find our more about all the courses and programmes available in the School.

Our Departments

External view of the Babraham Institute

Find out more about the Faculties, Departments and Institutes that make up the Postgraduate School of Life Sciences.

Postgraduate Admissions

Apply here

Postgraduate School of Life Sciences Training

View training here

Current Students' Sharepoint Sites


Biological Science Students
Access here

Clinical & Vet Med Students
Access here