The Cardiovascular Science and Medicine Research Theme includes the following sub-groups:
- Cardiovascular Biology
- Molecular Cell Biology
- Immunology
- Metabolism and Endocrinology
- Medical Imaging
- Developmental Biology
- Genetics and Genomics
- Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases
- Hypoxia and Ischemia
- Regenerative Medicine
Principal Investigators in this theme:
Name: Professor Franklin Aigbirhio Topic: Novel radiopharmaceuticals and radiochemical methods for molecular imaging Themes: Cancer, Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Medical Imaging, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Clinical Neurosciences Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Martin Bennett Topic: Regulation of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and apoptosis Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Clinical Science Department: Department of Medicine (Division of Cardiovascular Medicine) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Prof John Bradley Topic: Regulation and function of death receptors in the microvasculature Themes: Cancer, Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Molecules and Cells, Clinical Science Department: Medicine Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Clare Bryant Topic: Pattern Recognition Receptor signalling in inflammatory and infectious disease Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine Department: Departments of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Stephen Burgess Topic: Genetics and causality Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Biostatistics Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Prof Murray Clarke Topic: Novel mechanisms that induce vascular inflammation; particularly IL-1 family members and inflammasomes Themes: Cancer, Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Medicine (Section of CardioRespiratory Medicine) Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor John Danesh Topic: Molecular and genetic epidemiology of coronary heart disease Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health Department: Department of Public Health and Primary Care Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Anthony Davenport Topic: Role of G-protein coupled receptors in the human cardiovascular system and changes in signalling pathways in disease. Discovery of biased apelin receptor agonists. Publications: Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine Department: Department of Medicine (EMIT) Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr James Fraser Topic: Cardiac and skeletal muscle excitability in health and disease Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Clinical Science Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Dino Giussani Topic: Developmental origins of cardiovascular health and disease Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine Department: Physiology Development & Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Andrew Grace Topic: Cellular Genetics of Arrhythmia Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine Department: Department of Biochemistry Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Stefan Gräf Topic: Genetics, genomics and environmental determinants of sex-differences in microvascular health and disease Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Department of Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Alessandra Granata Topic: Modelling Vascular Dementia and Stroke using patients’ iPSC Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Molecules and Cells Department: Clinical Neurosciences Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Jules Griffin Topic: Development of NMR spectroscopy mass spectrometry and pattern recognition techniques for metabolomics Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Department of Biochemistry (Cambridge Systems Biology Centre) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Eric Harshfield Topic: Using multi-omics to predict, diagnose, and prevent risk of stroke and vascular dementia and prioritise therapeutic targets Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health Department: Clinical Neurosciences Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Chris Huang Topic: Calcium and cellular activation processes in skeletal and cardiac muscle including mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmogenesis Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor James Huntington Topic: Basic and translational research into thrombosis and haemophilia Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine Department: CIMR/Haematology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Tony Jackson Topic: Sodium channels and other plasma membrane proteins Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Molecules and Cells Department: Biochemistry Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Helle Jorgensen Topic: Regulation of cell plasticity and heterogeneity in health and cardiovascular disease Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Molecules and Cells Department: Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Thomas Krieg Topic: Cardiovascular Medicine, heart attack, stroke Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine Department: Medicine Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Samuel Lambert Topic: Multimorbidity involving cardiometabolic diseases; molecular and genetic epidemiology; polygenic [risk] scores; risk prediction; open-science tools and resources Themes: Department: Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit, Department of Public Health & Primary Care Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Wei Li Topic: Molecular basis of TGFß/BMP signalling in cardiovascular diseases Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Molecules and Cells, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology Department: Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Xuan Li Topic: Microtubule-dependent mechanism in regulating inflammation Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine Department: Department of Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Ziad Mallatt Topic: The roles of innate and adaptive immunity in the development and progression of vascular diseases (atherosclerosis and vascular aneurysm) and response to post-ischemic injury Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine Department: Department of Medicine (Division of Cardiovascular Medicine) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Nicholas Morrell Topic: The molecular and genetic basis of pulmonary arterial hypertension Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine Department: Medicine Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Michael Murphy Topic: Targeting molecules to mitochondria mitochondrial radical production thiol redox state and redox signalling Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Molecules and Cells, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology Department: MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Andrew Murray Topic: Mitochondrial physiology in health and disease Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor James Nathan Topic: Cellular mechanisms of oxygen and nutrient sensing Themes: Cancer, Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Meritxell Nus Topic: Atherosclerosis, B and T cells, diet, gut microbiota. Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Clinical Science Department: Department of Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Stephen O'Rahilly Topic: The endocrine control of metabolism in health and disease Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Molecules and Cells, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Clinical Science Department: Department of Clinical Biochemistry (Institute of Metabolic Science) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Susan Ozanne Topic: Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Women's Health, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology Department: Department of Clinical Biochemistry (Institute of Metabolic Science) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Chris Rodgers Topic: Ultra-high field (7T) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Medical Imaging, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Clinical Neurosciences (Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor James Rudd Topic: Non-invasive imaging can quantify and track inflammation in human and animal vascular disease Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Medical Imaging, Clinical Science Department: Department of Medicine (Division of Cardiovascular Medicine) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Milka Sarris Topic: Immune cells and how they navigate through tissues in vivo to mount inflammatory responses Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells, Clinical Science Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Amanda Sferruzzi-Perri Topic: Placental development and function and its relevance for pregnancy success and life-long health Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Women's Health, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Sanjay Sinha Topic: Cardiovascular disease modelling and regenerative medicine Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Molecules and Cells, Clinical Science Department: Deparment of Medicine Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Nicole Soranzo Topic: Human complex traits Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity, Clinical Science Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Charlotte Summers Topic: Mechanisms of acute and chronic lung and systemic vascular inflammation; acute hyperaemic respiratory failure Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Infection and Immunity, Clinical Science Department: Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Sarah Teichmann Topic: Genomics, Bioinformatics, Immunology, Human Cell Atlas Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Wellcome - MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute & Department of Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Mark Toshner Topic: Pulmonary hypertension Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Clinical Science Department: Department of Medicine Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Kamen Tsvetanov Topic: The effects of vascular health and brain health on cognitive function in healthy subjects and neurodegenerative disease; multimodal neuroimaging (MRI, DWI, fMRI, MEG, PET, MRS); brain resilience and vulnerability. Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Medical Imaging, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Clinical Neurosciences Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Kamen Tsvetanov Topic: The effects of vascular health and brain health on cognitive function in healthy subjects and neurodegenerative disease; multimodal neuroimaging (MRI, DWI, fMRI, MEG, PET, MRS); brain resilience and vulnerability. Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Medical Imaging, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Clinical Neuroscieces Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Richard Tyser Topic: Heart Development Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Antonio Vidal-Puig Topic: Molecular mechanisms of energy balance Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Clinical Science Department: Department of Clinical Biochemistry (Institute of Metabolic Science) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Jonathan Weir-McCall Topic: Cardiothoracic imaging particularly in the use of CT and MRI Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Medical Imaging, Clinical Science Department: Department of Radiology Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Ian Wilkinson Topic: Endothelial cell biology large artery haemodynamics and hypertension: clinical investigation Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Clinical Science Department: Department of Medicine (Division of Clinical Pharmacology) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Catherine Wilson Topic: Cardiovascular cell signalling Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pharmacology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |