The Reproduction, Development & Lifelong Health (including Physiology) Research Theme includes the following sub-groups:
- Developmental Biology
- Tissue Regeneration & Stem Cells
- Reproduction & Fetal Development
- Nervous System Development & Cognition
- Tissue Morphogenesis & Mechanobiology
- Model Organisms
- Epigenetics & Chromatin Remodelling
- Cardiovascular Physiology
- Imaging & Microscopy Techniques
- Cell Fate Decision & Tissue Patterning
- Cancer Biology
- Cell biology
Principal Investigators in this theme:
Name: Dr Richard Adams Topic: Quantitative analysis of morphogenesis using microscopy Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Julie Ahringer Topic: Regulation of chromatin structure and function in C. elegans Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Department of Genetics (Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Catherine Aiken Topic: metabolism in pregnancy reproductive aging developmental programming Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Women's Health, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Department: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Maria Alcolea Topic: Epithelial Cell Fate and Plasticity Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells, Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Irving Aye Topic: Metabolic control of epigenetics during early placental development Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Women's Health Department: Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Clare Baker Topic: Development and evolution of the vertebrate electrosensory lateral line system Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Physiology ,Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Srinjan Basu Topic: Towards a single-molecule perspective of early mammalian development Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Medical Imaging, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Physiology, Devlopment and Neuroscience, Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Howard Baylis Topic: Intracellular signalling mechanisms regulating the development and physiology of C. elegans Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Zoology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Sumru Bayin Topic: Neural stem cell biology during development and repair Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Gurdon Institute, Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Omer Bayraktar Topic: Cellular genetics Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Kathryn Beardsall Topic: Perinatal metabolism: impact on short term care and long term health Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Department: Department of Paediatrics Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Sam Behjati Topic: Cancer genomics and single cell transcriptomics Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Elia Benito Gutierrez Topic: Evo-Devo Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Molecules and Cells Department: Zoology Email: eb647 Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Barbara Blacklaws Topic: Pathogenesis of and immunity to virus infections Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Infection and Immunity Department: Veterinary Medicine Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore Topic: Development of the brain, behaviour and mental health in human adolescence Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Psychology Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Thorsten Boroviak Topic: Implantation germ cell specification and the continuum of pluripotent states in primate embryogenesis Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Cecilia Brassett Topic: Clinically applied anatomical research Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Sarah Bray Topic: From stem cells to tissues: Notch regulatory dynamics in development and disease Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Clare Buckley Topic: Our lab uses optogenetics and live confocal imaging of the zebrafish neural tube and mouse embryonic stem cells to uncover the mechanisms that coordinate polarisation and morphogenesis of epithelial tubes during development. Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Molecules and Cells Department: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Jose Casal-Jimenez Topic: Planar cell polarity in development and growth Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Zoology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor D Stephen Charnock-Jones Topic: Placental development high throughput sequencing genomics regulation of endothelial cell function in health and disease translational research Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Women's Health Department: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Lucy Cheke Topic: Episodic memory and episodic foresight Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Psychology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Bill Colledge Topic: Mammalian reproductive physiology using transgenic mice Themes: Reproduction Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Francesco Colucci Topic: Immunology of reproduction, Infections, Cancer Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Infection and Immunity, Women's Health Department: Obstetrics and Gynaecology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Miguel Constancia Topic: Epigenetics in health and disease Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells, Women's Health, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Department: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Institute of Metabolic Science) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Anne Corcoran Topic: Epigenetic and chromatin remodeling mechanisms that regulate immunoglobulin gene rearrangement (VDJ recombination) in B lymphocytes in particular non-coding RNA transcription and nuclear organization Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity Department: Babraham Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Gerry Crossan Topic: Maintenance of genome stability in the germline Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Ana Cvejic Topic: Developmental Haematopoiesis Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Paul Dupree Topic: plant cell walls, dietary fibre, glycobiology, enzymology Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Biochemistry Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Robbie Duschinsky Topic: child and family mental health, the integration of health and social care for children and families, and the use of qualitative methods within primary care research Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Epidemiology and Public Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Department: Public Health and Primary Care Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Anne Ferguson-Smith Topic: Mammalian developmental genetics and epigenetics Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Women's Health Department: Department of Genetics Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr David Fernandez-Antoran Topic: Cell competition and radiation biology Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: The Gurdon Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Alison Forhead Topic: Endocrine control of fetal development and maturation Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells, Women's Health, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Abigail Fowden Topic: Fetal and placental physiology Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Women's Health, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Kristian Franze Topic: Using biophysical and cell biological approaches to understand the influence of physical cues on the functioning of the nervous system Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Medical Imaging, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Jenny Gallop Topic: Dynamics and regulation of filopodia Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Molecules and Cells, Department: Department of Biochemistry (Gurdon Institute) Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Susan Golombok Topic: New family forms; parent-child relationships Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Women's Health Department: Department of Psychology (Centre for Family Research) Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Bertie Gottgens Topic: Blood development, blood stem cells, leukaemia Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Tony Green Topic: Haematopoietic stem cells/leukemia Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Sir John Gurdon Topic: Nuclear reprogramming through oocytes Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Zoology (Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute) Email: Website: Sorry no PhD students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential summer students are welcome |
Name: Professor Greg Hannon Topic: Biological functions and mode of actions of non-coding RNAs in normal development and cancer with particular focus on technology development Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Brian Hendrich Topic: Transcriptional control of stem cell fate Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells, Women's Health Department: Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Allan Herbison Topic: Neuroendocrinology Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Women's Health Department: PDN Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Melissa Hines Topic: Gonadal hormone and socialization influences on human brain and behaviour across the lifespan Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Women's Health Department: Psychology Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Nicola Holdstock Topic: Neonatal medicine and physiology Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Department: Department of Veterinary Medicine Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Roman Hovorka Topic: Relationship between insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion. Longitudinal analysis of metabolic disturbances in Type 2 diabetes. Artificial pancreas Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Department: Department of Paediatrics (Institute of Metabolic Science) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Susan Imrie Topic: Family functioning in new family forms with a focus on parent-child relationship quality child development and children’s perceptions of their families Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Psychology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Mark Johnson Topic: Typical at-risk and atypical functional brain development in human infants and toddlers using a variety of different brain imaging cognitive behavioural genetic and computational modelling techniques Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Psychology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Peter Jones Topic: Epidemiology etiology and developmental dimensions of psychiatric disorders; schizophrenia and the psychoses Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Epidemiology and Public Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Psychiatry Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Phil Jones Topic: Stem Cells and Cancer Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Oncology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Henrik Jönsson Topic: Development of live imaging techniques and Computational Morphodynamics models at the cellular level. Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Department: Sainsbury Laboratory Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Ragnhildur Thóra Káradóttir Topic: Myelin plasticity and regeneration Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Molecules and Cells, Department: Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Felipe Karam Teixeira Topic: Molecular Mechanisms Controlling Germline Stem Cell Biology Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Genetics / Physiology, Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Walid Khaled Topic: Tumour initiation and ageing Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Pharmacology - Stem cell Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Golnar Kolahgar Topic: Extrinsic regulation of intestinal proliferation and gut maintenance in Drosophila Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Mark Kotter Topic: Specification and differentiation of neural stem / precursor cells Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Clinical Neurosciences (Wellcome Trust and MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Heike Laman Topic: Ubiquitin ligases, cancer, Parkinson's disease, proteostasis, mitochondria, cell cycle Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells, Department: Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Matthias Landgraf Topic: Nervous system development and plasticity, with focus on critical periods and metabolic byproducts as instructive signals, such as reactive oxygen species. Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Zoology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Delphine Larrieu Topic: Nuclear envelope dysfunction in aging and premature aging syndromes Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Pharmacology Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Elisa Laurenti Topic: Human Haematopoietic Stem Cells Biology in Health and Disease Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Women's Health Department: Department of Haematology (Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Victoria Leong Topic: Parent-infant social interactions, neural synchrony, social learning Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Department: Department of Pediatrics Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr James Locke Topic: Plant and microbial systems biology Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology Department: Department of Plant Sciences (Sainsbury Laboratory) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Hansong Ma Topic: Department of Genetics (Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute) Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Department of Genetics (Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr John Marioni Topic: Developing computational tools to handle big data - using single cell genomics to study cell fate and early development Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Inigo Martincorena Topic: Somatic evolution Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Andrew McCaskie Topic: Trauma and orthopaedics research Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Surgery (Division of Trauma and Orthopaedic Research) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Kate McDole Topic: Morphogenesis of the early mammalian embryo Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Ashley Moffett Topic: NK cells pregnancy trophoblast HLA Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Infection and Immunity, Women's Health Department: Department of Pathology (Immunology Division) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Edwige Moyroud Topic: Genetics, Development, Evolution, Plant biology, Evo-Devo, Flower development, Molecular Biology, Imaging, Modeling, Pattern formation, Cell differentiation, Pollinator behaviour Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: The Sainsbury Laboratory and Department of Genetics Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Leila Muresan Topic: Microscopy image analysis Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Molecules and Cells Department: PDN Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Andrew Murray Topic: Mitochondrial physiology in health and disease Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Matthew Murray Topic: Investigating genomic and non-coding RNA abnormalties in cancer Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Jyoti Nangalia Topic: Clonal Evolution, Cancer and Ageing Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute and Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Kathy Niakan Topic: Early human development Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Ken Ong Topic: Childhood obesity, growth and development, and relationships to adult metabolic disease Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Epidemiology and Public Health, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Department: MRC Epidemiology Unit / Department of Paediatrics Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Stephen O'Rahilly Topic: The endocrine control of metabolism in health and disease Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Molecules and Cells, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Department: Department of Clinical Biochemistry (Institute of Metabolic Science) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Susan Ozanne Topic: Early life programming of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Women's Health, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Department: Department of Clinical Biochemistry (Institute of Metabolic Science) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Roger Pedersen Topic: Stem cell biology and regenerative medicine (developmental biology) Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Women's Health Department: Department of Surgery (Wellcome Trust Centre for Stem Cell Research) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Luca Pellegrini Topic: Molecular mechanisms of DNA replication and recombination Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells, Department: Biochemistry Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor John Perry Topic: Using human genetic approaches to understand biological mechanisms influencing reproductive ageing and metabolic health Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Epidemiology and Public Health, Molecules and Cells, Women's Health Department: Institute of Metabolic Science Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Anna Philpott Topic: developmental biology, stem cell biology, cancer Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells, Department: Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Emma Rawlins Topic: Stem and progenitor cells in the mammalian lung Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Teresa Rayon Topic: Comparative Stem Cell Dynamics lab Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Babraham Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor David Rowitch Topic: Glial Cells and Response to Injury Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Paediatrics Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Peter Rugg-Gunn Topic: Human developmental epigenetics Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Babraham Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Kourosh Saeb-Parsy Topic: Transplantation, Regenerative Medicine and Cancer Immunotherapy Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Surgery Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Benedicte Sanson Topic: We use genetics live confocal imaging computational analysis of cell behaviours and mathematical modeling to understand the morphogenesis of epithelia in developing Drosophila embryos Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Amanda Sferruzzi-Perri Topic: Placental development and function and its relevance for pregnancy success and life-long health Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Women's Health, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Marta Shahbazi Topic: Pluripotency in embryogenesis and regeneration Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Andrew Sharkey Topic: Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Benjamin Simons Topic: Developmental biology of epithelial tissues and cancer Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Gurdon Institute, Stem Institute and the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Daniel St Johnston Topic: Cell polarity in development and cancer Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Genetics (Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Mekayla Storer Topic: Regeneration, Stem Cells and Limb Regeneration Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Dénes Szücs Topic: Mathematical cognition and development, mathematics anxiety, meta-science, reseach replicability Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Medical Imaging, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Psychology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Richard Tyser Topic: Heart Development Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Konstantinos Tzelepis Topic: RNA modifications in stem cell homeostasis Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells, Department: Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Mathew Van de Pette Topic: Epigenetics. Toxicology. Developmental Programming. Pregnancy Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: MRC Toxicology Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Jelle van den Ameele Topic: Neural stem cell metabolism, mitochondrial disease, chromatin regulation during brain development Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Department: MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Roser Vento-Tormo Topic: Celluar genetics Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity, Women's Health Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Erica Watson Topic: Epigenetic mechanism of folate metabolism during development Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Women's Health, Department: Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Timothy Weil Topic: The cellular mechanisms underpinning the spatiotemporal coordination of the oocyte-to-embryo transition/ Testing the in vivo function of biomolecular condensates Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Zoology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Catherine Wilson Topic: Cardiovascular cell signalling Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pharmacology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Douglas Winton Topic: Intestinal biology colon cancer stem cell biology Themes: Cancer, Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health Department: Department of Oncology (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Fengzhu Xiong Topic: Developmental morphogenesis, cell dynamics, tissue mechanics Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Gurdon Institute, Depart of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |