The Epidemiology and Public Health Research Theme includes the following sub-groups:
- Epidemiology and Disease Prevention
- Behavioural and Social Epidemiology
- Infectious Diseases
- Physical Activity and Public Health
- Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
- Statistical Methods in Epidemiology and Genetics
- Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
- Genetics and Genomics
- Cancer Research
- Nutrition and Food Systems
Principal Investigators in this theme:
Name: Prof Jean Adams Topic: Diet & public health; population interventions; public health policy Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Epidemiology Unit Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Amy Ahern Topic: Development and evaluation of behavioural interventions for obesity and diabetes; Eating behaviours; Mental health in obesity and type 2 diabetes; Understanding the determinants of initiation and maintenance of health behaviour change Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: MRC Epidemiology Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Emanuele Di Angelantonio Topic: Prevention of cardiovascular disease; cardiovascular disease epidemiology. Global Health. Risk Prediction Themes: Department: Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Antonis Antoniou Topic: Cancer genetic epidemiology, cancer risk modelling, genetic epidemiology of BRCA1, BRCA2 and other cancer susceptibility genes Themes: Department: Public Health and Primary Care Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr William Astle Topic: Statistical methods with applications in genetics, genomics and haematology Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: MRC Biostatistics Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Prof/Ass Prof Kate Baker Topic: Genomics epidemiology of bacterial pathogens and antimicrobial resistance Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity Department: Genetics Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Kate Baker Topic: Microbial Genomic Epidemiology Themes: Organisms, Evolution and Ecology (incl. Plant Biology), Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity Department: Genetics Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Jessica Barrett Topic: Multiple outcome modelling Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Biostatistics Unit Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Andrew Blagborough Topic: Malaria transmission Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health, Infection and Immunity, Molecules and Cells Department: Department of Pathology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Leonardo Bottolo Topic: Computational methods for single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) and single-cell Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin with high-throughput sequencing (scATAC-seq) Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Medical Genetics Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Soren Brage Topic: Epidemiology of physical activity behaviour and fitness Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Epidemiology Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Stephen Burgess Topic: Genetics and causality Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Biostatistics Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Adam Butterworth Topic: Genetic epidemiology of cardiovascular disease; cardiovascular disease epidemiology Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: Department of Public Health and Primary Care Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Andrew Conlan Topic: Epidemiology and mathematical modelling Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Veterinary Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Isidro Cortes-Ciriano Topic: Cancer Genomics Themes: Cancer, Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics Department: European Bioinformatics Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Prof Nik Cunniffe Topic: Modelling the spread, detection, evolution and control of plant pests and pathogens Themes: Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Epidemiology and Public Health, Infection and Immunity Department: Plant Sciences Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor John Danesh Topic: Molecular and genetic epidemiology of coronary heart disease Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health Department: Department of Public Health and Primary Care Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Prof Daniela De Angelis Topic: Evidence synthesis to inform health Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health, Infection and Immunity Department: MRC Biostatistics Unit Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Emanuele Di Angelantonio Topic: Prevention of cardiovascular disease; cardiovascular disease epidemiology. Global Health. Risk Prediction. Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: Department of Public Health and Primary Care Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Robbie Duschinsky Topic: child and family mental health, the integration of health and social care for children and families, and the use of qualitative methods within primary care research Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Epidemiology and Public Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Public Health and Primary Care Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Douglas Easton Topic: Genetic epidemiology (especially cancer) and statistical genetics Themes: Cancer, Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Women's Health Department: Public Health and Primary Care Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Tamsin Ford Topic: Interventional epidemiology - children and young people's mental health Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Clinical Science Department: Department of Psychiatry Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Nita Forouhi Topic: Nutritional Epidemiology in relation to diabetes and obesity Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Clinical Science Department: MRC Epidemiology Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Chris Gilligan Topic: Epidemiology and modelling Themes: Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Epidemiology and Public Health Department: Department of Plant Sciences Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Nick Goldman Topic: Molecular evolution, phylogenetics, comparative genomics data analysis and modelling, statistical computational molecular sequence analysis, algorithms for Next Generation Sequencing Themes: Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Molecules and Cells Department: EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Email: Website: Sorry no PhD students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential summer students are welcome |
Name: Dr Robert Goudie Topic: Hospital electronic health records for acute care; data integration; Bayesian methods Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Biostatistics Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Simon Griffin Topic: Clinical Epidemiology and Public Health Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: Public Health and Primary Care Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Eric Harshfield Topic: Using multi-omics to predict, diagnose, and prevent risk of stroke and vascular dementia and prioritise therapeutic targets Themes: Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Clinical Neurosciences Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Kathryn Hesketh Topic: Physical activity behaviours during preconception, pregnancy and postpartum; health behaviours and risky play in 0-5-year-olds; health promotion within families with young children Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Epidemiology Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Claire Hughes Topic: Developmental change from age 2 to age 6 and familial predictors Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Psychology (Centre for Family Research) Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Kerry Jones Topic: NIHR Cambridge BRC Nutritional Biomarker Laboratory Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Epidemiology Unit Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Peter Jones Topic: Epidemiology etiology and developmental dimensions of psychiatric disorders; schizophrenia and the psychoses Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Epidemiology and Public Health, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour Department: Department of Psychiatry Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Stephen Kaptoge Topic: Applied statistical methods particularly in relation to chronic disease epidemiology Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: Department of Public Health and Primary Care Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr. Siddhartha Kar Topic: cancer epidemiology, cancer genetic epidemiology, statistical genetics, clonal haematopoiesis Themes: Cancer, Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Women's Health Department: Oncology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Paul Kirk Topic: Clustering methods for biomarker data Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Biostatistics Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Samuel Lambert Topic: Multimorbidity involving cardiometabolic diseases; molecular and genetic epidemiology; polygenic [risk] scores; risk prediction; open-science tools and resources Themes: Department: Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit, Department of Public Health & Primary Care Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Professor Jonathan Mant Topic: screening for atrial fibrillation Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: Public Health & Primary Care Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Professor Graham Murray Topic: Causes, mechanisms and treatments of mental disorder. Psychiatric and brain imaging genetics. Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, Molecules and Cells Department: Psychiatry Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Ken Ong Topic: Childhood obesity, growth and development, and relationships to adult metabolic disease Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Epidemiology and Public Health, Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology, Clinical Science Department: MRC Epidemiology Unit / Department of Paediatrics Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Jenna Panter Topic: Physical Activity and Public Health Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Epidemiology Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor John Perry Topic: Using human genetic approaches to understand biological mechanisms influencing reproductive ageing and metabolic health Themes: Reproduction, Development and Lifelong Health, Epidemiology and Public Health, Molecules and Cells, Women's Health Department: Institute of Metabolic Science Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Ms Eqbal Radwan Topic: Plant biotechnology, plant molecular biology, nanobiotechnology in plant production Themes: Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Epidemiology and Public Health, Molecules and Cells Department: Biology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Olivier Restif Topic: Mathematical models for infectious disease dynamics Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Veterinary Medicine Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Prof Sylvia Richardson Topic: Statistical Genomics and High Dimensional Data Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Biostatistics Unit Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Andres Roman-Urrestarazu Topic: Public health policy and economics of the global opioid epidemic Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: Psychiatry Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Henrik Salje Topic: Infectious disease dynamics Themes: Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Epidemiology and Public Health, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Genetics Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Andrea Smith Topic: Behavoural Epidemiology and interventions in young people Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Epidemiology Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Derek Smith Topic: Evolution of pathogens Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity Department: Department of Zoology Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Nicholas Thomson Topic: Bacterial genomics and evolution Themes: Organisms, Evolution and Ecology, Epidemiology and Public Health, Functional and Evolutionary Genomics, Infection and Immunity Department: Wellcome Sanger Institute Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Brian Tom Topic: Statistics for stratified medicine Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Biostatistics Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Caroline Trotter Topic: Epidemiology of vaccine-preventable diseases and the impact of immunisation Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health, Infection and Immunity Department: Veterinary Medicine & Pathology Email: Website: Sorry no vacation students can be taken this year but enquiries from potential PhD students are welcome |
Name: Dr Nigel Unwin Topic: Sustainable food systems and planetary health Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Epidemiology Unit Email: Website: Sorry no students can be taken this year |
Name: Dr Esther van Sluijs Topic: Behavioural Epidemiology and Interventions in Young People Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Epidemiology Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Nicholas Wareham Topic: Aetiology and Mechanisms of Diabetes and Related Metabolic Disorders of Later Life Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health, Clinical Science Department: MRC Epidemiology Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor Martin White Topic: Diet, nutrition, food systems and population health Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Epidemiology Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Eleanor Winpenny Topic: What influences changes in diet, eating behaviours and cardiovascular health through adolescence and early adulthood? Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Epidemiology Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Dr Angela Wood Topic: Biostatistics, Health Data Science, Whole-population Electronic Health Records Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: Department of Public Health and Primary Care Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |
Name: Professor James Woodcock Topic: Built environment, transport, and health Themes: Epidemiology and Public Health Department: MRC Epidemiology Unit Email: Website: Applications from potential students are welcome |